Saturday, March 14, 2009

The Word is Out.

OK. So last night I told the family of the plan.

They were actually pretty good about it and told me they will try to help with the plan and not grumble too much. (we'll see about that in a few weeks time!)

We decided to go and buy takeaway 'one last time'. We have got in a bad habit of eating takeaway about twice a week. At $30 a pop thats $3120 a year. that would take about 1 year and 6 months of the home loan.I kept track of what I spent on lunches and junk food this week at work. I spent almost $40(thats $2080 a year).

So the trips to the corner shop for munchies are going to stop and I will be taking my lunch from this week. I used to cook up a big pot of soup each weekend in winter years ago so I will look out the old cookbooks this weekend.

I have never sold anything on e-bay but I have a friend who has made about $1200 over the last few months selling off everday items she no longer uses. I have decided to clear out my house of everything I don't want and sell it. I opened up an ebay account and a paypal account. I have set up the pay pal account to pay straight into the housing loan. So each time I have $150 in pay pal it goes toward the house.

I am hoping to get my first items up for auction later today. If I am going to meet my target I will have to find extra ways to bring in money and at this point ebay looks to be the easiest, even if it is small amount. I also discovered ebay has an affiliate program so I will take a closer look at that later as well.

I had to move my blog over as I decided to add adsense. It doesn't costs me anything so might as well give it a go! I have now quit all my internet marketing mlms except one.

I am getting quiet excited about this project! Just doing the blog is keeeping me motivated. Can't wait to see that ticker go down!

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