Thursday, March 19, 2009

Ebay Success!

Short & Sweet today.

It's a good thing I made it through the snow yesterday and made it to work. I got asked to oversee a new project which I am very excited about.

Ebay auction update: One item caused a bidding war at the last moment which was great for me! They bid just a couple of dollars short of the new price. Almost $300!!!! Yeee Haaaa!!!!

So if the bidders pay me before 30th June I can reach my goal of paying off 1% of the mortgage this month!! If they are a slack payer I will go very close to meeting it, I may scrape over the line but I'm not sure. Either way I feel good about this last months effort.

I have still got to bank all the loose change I collected. I also cleaned out both my offices for change which has boosted the amount.

I also have not sold the old coins I found yet. I just have not had the time to list them.

Tommorrow I have planned to finalise all the outstanding paperwork and by June 1st I will have the new personal and business budget all written out and set up.

All the regular bills and payments are up to date.

This blogging experience has been a wonderful way of staying focused on my goal. I am committed to blogging every day of this journey.

Each day my mind is now thinking about HOW can I reach this goal. Instead of just hoping and wishing and feeling crappy, my mind is working for me. Linking up with others trying to do the same thing has been so helpful to me.

Feeling good today!

Have a great day everyone and thanks for stopping by.

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