Tuesday, March 24, 2009

E-bay profits & business basics.

Some more E-bay payments went straight into the mortgage this morning! So a total of $355 paid straight off the mortgage from e-bay sales. There is another $35 in Paypal but I need to wait until it reaches $150 to take it out to avoid fees. I have more stuff to list but I just haven't had time to do it.

It was just the boost I needed today. Sometimes I look at my goal and it seems so large an amount. Then I remind myself I just need to be creative and come up with more ways to bring in additional money. It will be the only way we can do it. I really want to put as much as I can off in the next 6 months so we make big savings on the interest.

I have now got the details of sharing my business office space sorted out. It will halves my rent expenses! The new lease will start in 2 weeks. It just means that now I don't have the luxury of working in the office whenever I choose. I have now set days and specific appointment times.

It has actually been a good thing as I just have to be more organised and it will make me more efficient. It was the fastet way to cut business costs I could think of. So my rent decreases by 50%, my income will increase by 10% with the raised fees.

I have got a lovely green shoebox that we are keeping all the receipts in for everything we spend. We have forgotton to save a few because it is a new habit but I think we will get used to it.

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