Wednesday, March 18, 2009

How much does a lazy Saturday afternoon cost?

Yesterday was a lovely rainy cold winters day here. Usually this would have meant curling up watching videos and eating lots of junk food ie. chips, chocolate and diet coke (it equals out the calories!).

Cost: $14.95 for videos + late fees. We forget to take them back about 50% of the time.

Junk Food for 2: Chocolate: $4.80, Chips $4.95, Diet Coke: $2.25

Rainy Saturday Afternoon Total = $26.95 + an awful lot of calories (despite the Diet Coke!).

So what we did instead was go through our monster TV cabinet bottom drawer and found old videos amongst the dust. We ate the wonderful hearty pot of chicken and vegie soup that I made from all the vegies that were in the fridge and the leftover stir fried chicken. Cost was less than $5 for the soup.

We ended up watching Gone in 60 Seconds, which makes you feel like heading straight out and stealing a car and The Blues Brothers. It is just a fantastic movie. I love it!

I am pleasantly surprised by the way the family has got on board with this project. I have never felt excited about the end of the month before but I can't wait to move that red ticker down!

My ebay auctions are doing well. I have a couple of higher priced items that will sell and so far I will make at least $120 this week. All to go on the mortgage.

My daughter was right about listing the items for low starting prices. The ones I listed at low prices are going up and up. The ones I listed for a reasonable price that I would be happy with have no bids.

Smart kid I will take her advice more often.

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