Saturday, March 14, 2009

A New Begining!

Welcome to my blog!

I have recently realised that the money I have spent trying to make money online would have been better spent getting out of debt. Along with many other intelligent and rational adults I have spent way too much in my quest for an online business. That money applied to reduce my home loan would have cut years off the payments and been equal to actually earning more money.

I have been reading lots of financial blogs which got me thinking about the financial reality of my decsions. I have decided to get my act together, sort out my finances and get out of debt. Blogging will keep me accountable. I can document the journey and what I learn along the way.
A little about me…

I am a middle aged married woman with 2 adult chidren, both at college. I work part time at a job and a fledgling business. My partner is currently ‘between jobs’ after being laid off. He gets a payment which is about half of what he used to earn. I also manage my parents financial affairs as they are unable to.

We have had our share of difficultys in the past including illness and job loss. At one stage I had paid the mortgage down to under $100,000 !!! But we had to increase it a couple of years ago to manage. I know I can do this so lets get started!

My starting debt:
Mortgage $152,377 7.44% interest
Credit card $12,705 9.99% interest
Credit card $1,240 interest free period currently

Over the next few days I will go through all my financial papers and work out exactly what we are worth and where all the money is going. The I can work out my plan. First though I need to sort out the mess and know exactly what the current postition is.

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