Saturday, March 14, 2009

The Awful Truth.

In my quest to eliminate debt I have been looking into the real state of affairs and here is the awful truth!
In the last 6 months I spent $2331.91 on products, subscriptions, programs and other paraphenalia to make money online. Ouch!

The only redeeming point is that none of this was on credit. I sat here this morning and made myself go through my bank statements and add it all up. I kind of feel like I need ‘Internet Marketing Idiots Anonymous’.

Anyone care to join me?

Anyway back to the task at hand…
I have rounded off the numbers and done some calculations. Now if I had paid this amount off the home loan as a lump sum I would have saved $15,410 in interest and 1 year and 4 months off the loan.
1 year and 4 months of not having to go to work to make the mortgage payments.1 year and 4 months extra to travel and relax and enjoy life!

If I had invested it at 6% compounding interest for 10 years it would have earned $1909 interest and been worth $4329. For 20 years: $5382 interest, worth $7712.
Kind of sobering isn’t it.

I suppose I had better ‘fess' up to how much I did make with my ‘investment’: $164.76
Now don’t get me wrong, I am sure that there are people out there making good money online and doing it honestly. I don’t rule out that I won’t make money online also in the future. I just want to be honest about my experience up to now.

Most internet marketers promote the idea that anyone can make money online if they just keep at it and then they tell you about a product that will help you succeed. I am not trying to blame anyone, I am just trying to understand how I ended up in this situation.
My realisation is that I can get what I want in other ways than making (or losing) a fortune online. I need to focus on the reality of my financial situation and make a plan to eliminate debt and live a simpler, more peaceful life.

Now other things I could have done with the money:

  • taken a holiday

  • put tiles under my pergola which is like a mud puddle at the moment

  • built a retaining wall for the garden to replace the one falling down

  • finished the fencing

  • bought a new lounge

  • put wardrobe doors on all the built ins

The funny thing is that these are all the things I wanted to do to begin with when I started looking for a way to make money online.
So if anyone ever reads this blog I would love to know how much you have spent on ‘making money online’ and what you could have done with the money.
Heres a little video clip I like. Its soppy I know, get out the tissues, but it does kind of make a point.
Why are we working so hard that we can’t spend time with our families, to make enough money so we don’t have to work and can spend more time with our families?

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