Tuesday, March 24, 2009

More Money Finds !

I was sorting out some more files yesterday and I found some medical bills that I had not claimed. Over the past 6 months we have had a lot of medical expenses. I usually pay up front and then claim it back from medicare in cash later.

I found the first unclaimed account and that made me think there could be more. So I did a big search of the files, my handbag, my diary, the kitchen drawers and I found $235 worth of unclaimed bills! My daughter collected the money and now I will put that cash off the mortgage as well. Once again by being disorganised I lost track of what was owing to me.

With this extra cash and our other savings I feel confident we can reach our goal of owing less than $150,000 at the end of the month.

Earlier this week I phoned some contacts and let them know I was officially back on deck and ready to take on more work. It paid off! I have been referred some work at top dollar rate. It should bring in almost $1000 extra over this month which will build up my business account. So it pays to keep in touch with other professonals and let them know you are available and willing to take on work. I have found there is no advertsing that can beat word of mouth! Particularly in a small community where people know who you are. It can make or break!

I keep my business and home accounts completely seperate. If I can build my business up to provide a steady second income I will be thrilled! After I have seen the accountant and had my tax done I will have a clearer picture of my exact income. My guess is that last year it was around $40,000.

So the extra cash and the extra work gave me another boost to stick at it. I am finding the reduced grocery budget difficult but we are perservering with it!

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