Saturday, March 14, 2009

Unexpected Bonus helps eliminate my debt!

Well I got and unexpected bonus yesterday!

I receive the carers payment, $49.25 a week, because my father lives with me. He is ill and frail and unable to care for himself. I manage his finances and we pay for the things he needs that his pension doesn't cover. He has no savings.

Usually this money just goes into the general account that we live off and pay bills out of. I decided to have it paid directly into the home loan account so I don't even see it. Yesterday I rang up centrelink to arrange it. When she was finished she confirmed the details and said " and your next payment of $600 is due on...".

I interrupted her to explain her mistake and she told me this year all carers are getting a $600 bonus!!

YeeeHaaa!!! Doing the happy dance!!!

Now I could be cynical and say it's just because we have an election coming up... but frankly I don't give a dam what the reason is. I'll just take the money thanks very much!

So that gave me a real boost because I know it will be hard to reach this goal but I really want it. I plan on having sorted out all the mess of paperwork by June 30th so I can get my tax done quickly and make a fresh start for the next financial year.

I just want to say thanks for the message of support I have been getting. I really enjoy and appreciate them.



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