Thursday, April 2, 2009

Decision Time.

After a long and thoughtful night I have made my decision. I am going to finish up my business and just work at my part-time job. I feel relieved to have finally decided. It is the best option for the time being when I never know how Dads health will be. The extra days at home will give me time to sell everything on eBay, shop for bargains and plant a vegetable garden. To live a simpler life instead of trying to juggle 10 plates in the air at once!

It will take me 8-10 weeks to handover my clients, and I will keep seeing 3 clients who have been with me since the beginning. Then I can concentrate on my job, my debt reduction plan and finding ways to make money working from home while caring for Dad. (Please don't send me mlm & other ops I will just delete them).

I feel better for just making the final decision. It is not a financial one as it was potential income not actual.

After setting aside money to pay for 2 nights accommodation and petrol I was able to still pay extra off the mortgage this week! Mainly because all the bills are up to date.

Here is a mini progress report to keep my spirits up!

Paid off mortgage in July: Total $1442.50 today's balance $149,726.00.

I have yet to bank the loose change and the unclaimed money from the medical bills.
We are on target for our financial goals this month. The only difficulty will be if the hospital stay gets extended for longer than 2 days.

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