Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Super saver from My Wealth Builder

Super saver from My Wealth Builder has tagged me in a new blog project. This project calls for sharing 8 personal facts about myself, then tagging 8 other bloggers to do the same. Here are the rules , which were passed to me:
  • Each player must post these rules first.
  • Each player starts with eight random facts/habits about themselves.
  • People who are tagged need to write on their own blog about their eight things and post these rules.
  • At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.
  • Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog.

Eight Random Facts About Louise!

  1. I like to draw and paint for relaxation. Most people who know me would have no idea. About 2 months ago an author phoned me and asked if they could include one of my drawings in thier new book. I said yes so long as it is anonymous. I had met them years ago and showed them a few drawings. I am thrilled about it!
  2. I get obsessed and lose track of time with things like sudoko, tetris, and my sons video games. Thats why I stopped playing them.
  3. Last year when I went away for a weekend with the 'girls' we had way too much to drink... there is a video somewhere I think...? We did not recover as well as we used to 25 years ago!....
  4. On the top of my list of things to do before I die is to climb to the Base Camp of Mt. Everest. I have all the brochures and I am going to do it when I have paid off this mortgage as my reward.
  5. I used to go skinny dipping when I was younger and my birthday suit fitted nicely.
  6. My favourite junk food is potato chips and chocolate eaten together.
  7. I would give up posessions for experiences any day.
  8. If I could come back as anything I would be a spy. I love spy novels and movies.

Now I have given some thought about who I would like find out more about and here is my list of those I have tagged:

Ian Denny of Phoenix from the Ashes

Ladies in the Red

A great Aussie blog The Birds and the Beads

Has the World Gone Mad

Blogging my way out of Debt

Surburban Mum who's Open Letter to The Dragon may well become a classic!

Heavenabove at Wildlife Alive

and No More Spending

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