Yesterday I spent the day getting started at ebay. It took a lot longer than I expected it to but I have 6 things listed and 600 more to go! It was a strange experience to go through my wardrobe and see so many clothes there that have never even been worn! Many are because of buying clothes I see on special for 'when I lose weight'. Hmmm...... maybe one day!
I set up the ebay payments to go either into my paypal account or straight into the home loan account. If I make a couple of hundred dollars a month I will be very happy. Plus I get rid of a lot of stuff.
I wonder why we feel the need to accumulate so much stuff? Does it come from the days when we needed to store food in case there was a famine in the future? I know my grandfather was a second hand dealer in the war and believed in never wasting anything. My mother saved everthing! Buttons, string, zips from clothes, paper, glass jars and on on. I guess it came from the war years and the depression where people really did need to be thrifty to survive.
I don't want to live like that, but I do want a more simple life. I think of nomadic tribes years ago and if you couldn't carry your belongings on your back then you couldn't keep them. We hire huge trucks and 2-3 workmen to move our 'stuff''!
My debt, or rather my choice of home and lifestyle keeps me committed to a certain income to maintain it. I am fortunate in that I love my work but I would like more time to myself. Time to sit in the sun, work in the garden, go bushwalking, travel and read books. Time to think and meditate. Time to enjoy a lazy day eating and drinking with friends.
Those are they things that I was looking for in my quest to earn money online. Time, and freedom to choose how I spend it. crazy when I think about it! I am free to choose how I spend it every day. I just need to be aware of that.
Today I am going to do just that, choose to spend my time as I please. I am going up to the Blue Mountains for the day. This is one of my favourite places. Years ago when I was unable to work due to illness I used to go there on my own and just bushwalk and meditate. I love it. So I am not waiting until my home is paid off to simplify my life and enjoy more peace. I am starting today! I will take some photos post them here tomorrow.
By the way if you want to see some great photos and read a great blog on living simply with purpose check out this blog:
I'm off to the mountains for some peace and beauty!
Saturday, March 14, 2009
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